Mark your calendars! – A workshop with Bex Tyrer on the wisdom of the menstrual cycle

Posted by Christina Zipperlen on

Female health, menstrual health, hormonal imbalances, contraceptives, menopause, perimenopause, abortion – there are many topics in this world that are still highly stigmatised or tabooed to talk about publicly and openly.

In recent weeks the public opinion has been dominated by conversations around men making decisions around the female body, inconsiderate of the fertile, potent and tender divine feminine.

The female body is the cradle of humanity, the womb is the home of us humans, to keep this space safe and balanced is crucial to health and human life – how ironic is it that patriarchal structures over the past decades have completely distorted reality in a way that not only men are completely uninformed about the female body, but also women about their own bodies?! Sadly.

If you have listened to my podcast episode with Bex Tyrer recently you might have received great insight into the world of her offerings and work. As a menstrual cycle activist it is dear and near to Bex to educate, support and spread information and empowerment on and around our own cycles, how they link to the moon, to yoga, to the nervous system, to psychology.



On August 20 Bex is offering us, our Ananda Soul community, exclusively a 90 minute online workshop on menstrual health and cycle awareness. This workshop will not only leave you with many A-ha moments and insights, but also with a sense of empowerment and encouragement to take life into our own hands by simply owning the intricacies of your own female cycle.

This workshop is a 90min workshop that also offers further ideas on her bigger project called Moon Month, a monthly program consisting of live calls and practices to get to know your cycle and your gorgeous selves even better.

Join us live and online for a joyful, insightful, loving conversation with Bex – we got 100 spots for you, first come first serve. And we want to see all of your faces live on screen!


To give you a little overview of what is planned:

Workshop structure (can be subject to change)

  • Meditation
  • Where in the cycle are you?
  • Overview of menstrual cycle awareness
  • Brief introduction into the four seasons of the female body
  • Breakout rooms to share in an explorative space
  • Q&A
  • Closing Meditation and/or 5 minute practice

If this tickles your curiosity please sign up for the workshop here:

For further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out via Social Media or Email.

We can’t wait to see you!

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