Discover the affirmation that speaks to your soul

This affirmation quiz is created to help you find the words your soul needs to hear most right now.

Words shape our reality. Every thought we repeat reinforces a message.

Often, we unconsciously repeat old patterns of fear and worry. By becoming aware of our thoughts, we can gently release these patterns and create space for healing and growth. When we choose words of love and trust, we reshape our lives.

This quiz helps you deepen your connection to your inner truth. Through reflective questions, you'll uncover the affirmation that resonates most deeply with you now.

To make your affirmation even more tangible, we’ve created a collection of jewelry pieces infused with powerful words of love and intention. Each design carries a gentle reminder engraved to keep you anchored in your truth. These pieces are more than adornments; they're tools to help you carry these intentional messages close to your heart.

What does your soul need to hear today?

Take the quiz to discover your personal affirmation and its matching talisman.

When you wake up in the morning, what is the first thing you reach for?

an image
Question 01/

When you wake up in the morning, what is the first thing you reach for?

A. I reach for the snooze button — I’m not ready to meet life just yet and prefer to stay in my own world a little while longer
B. I love contact and want to snuggle my partner and/or pet, or I seek out to message a friend to connect.
 C. I jump straight into my workout clothes and shoes — I’m ready to tackle the day!
D. I peel myself out of my sheets, lush it up in the bathroom and take my time to play with different outfits to find the perfect fit for today.
E. I reach for my calendar/planner, as I need to know what’s on the schedule today.

Which adjectives would your friends most use to describe you?

an image
Question 02/

Which adjectives would your friends most use to describe you?

A. Kind, warm, loving, doting, compassionate, joyful 
B. Empathetic, sensitive, deep, introspective, gentle, sometimes withdrawn 
C. Present, artistic, creative, spirited 
D. Loyal, caring, generous, helpful, giving, curious
E. Trustworthy, organized, helpful, reliable, dependable, safe 

What sound is most enticing/comforting to you?

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Question 03/

What sound is most enticing/comforting to you?

A. The rhythmic and calming rolling of ocean waves upon the sand
B. Rustling leaves, a bubbling brook, and the twitter of birds
C. Your favorite upbeat song
D. A loved one's voice, reading you a story
E. The chatter and laughter of your friends and family

Which of the following would weigh most heavily on your mind?

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Question 04/

Which of the following would weigh most heavily on your mind?

A. Not getting everything done from your to-do list 
B. Reliving and ruminating on a poor decision
C. Feeling that you don't fit into society's standards 
D. Sensing that someone is upset with you 
E. Feeling that nothing ever seems to go right anymore
Question 05/

Choose the image that calls to you.

Choose the image that calls to you.

What is most supportive to you after a stressful day?

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Question 06/

What is most supportive to you after a stressful day?

A. A challenging and sweaty workout
B. A comforting meal, a long bath or shower, and your favorite book or movie
C. The company of a friend or partner or a pet
D. Journaling freely about your thoughts or painting your feelings onto a large and empty canvas
E. Meditating or praying

How do you approach challenges in your life?

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Question 07/

How do you approach challenges in your life?

A. I tackle them head-on, as soon as possible
B. I seek other's opinions, support, and guidance
C. I tend to avoid the challenge for as long as possible, it is hard enough to be in the Now already
D. I overthink it, journal heavily on it, or create a pro and cons list
E. I lean upon my friends, family, or coworkers for help

When you sink into your inner world, what would you say your soul is searching for?

an image
Question 08/

When you sink into your inner world, what would you say your soul is searching for?

A. To heal and to step into the light
B. To be heard and seen
C. To feel loved, held, and connected
D. To be of value to others and the world
E. To release fear and allow life to flow freely