Wedding proposals are a big deal. Whether you are caught completely off-guard or know exactly when it was coming, the moment that you and your partner decide to spend forever together is HUGE. Our amazing marketing angel Molly recently got engaged and I asked her to tell us how it all went down and if she had any tips for someone considering to ask that big question. Thank you Molly for sharing, we love you!
7 most romantic ways to ask someone to marry you
My partner and I became engaged over the holidays, and his proposal was so us. We live a quiet life in the mountains and are happy to be slightly removed from big cities and social scenes. It's not that we don't enjoy an urban lifestyle and seeing friends, it's just that we like each other's company so much better than anyone else's, and all we need to be wholly content is each other, our dog, and wide expanses of nature to play in. As such, the proposal my partner planned was not elaborate or flashy, it wasn't in a public place, and none of our friends or family members were present. Just like the beautiful life we've created, it was just us. Curled up next to the fire and the Christmas tree, Mexican takeout in hand, he gave me a letter he had written at the beginning of our relationship: "it's crazy," he wrote, "but I'm going to marry this person." When I finished reading the letter, I looked up to find that he was down on one knee with a ring. It was everything.
That's what's cool about proposals -- they are unique to you and your partner, just like your relationship. And, if you're lucky, you'll end up with a ring, that's pretty "you" too. (Ananda Soul has a gorgeous selection of alternative engament and wedding rings, if you want to take a peek!)
With uniqueness in mind, here are 7 super romantic ways to propose:
Recreate your first date
Take your partner back to the day you first met. Set the scene with a nostalgic story about the way you felt the first time you saw them, or about how nervous you were. Emphasize what a special place in your heart that spot will always have, not only because it brought you two together, but because it is where you will propose.
Take your partner on a surprise adventure
Visit a new city, eat at a restaurant with a foreign cuisine you've never had, go scuba diving! Whatever you do, make it something neither of you has ever done before. Tell your partner that this is just the beginning of a lifetime of adventure together, and pop that question.

Include your pet
For so many young couples, myself included, having a dog or cat is the same as having a child. They are the center of your world, your first experience parenting together and making important, joint decisions. It seems only fair to include them in this major life change, no? Tie a ring box to your dog's collar or teach them to balance it on their nose. There's few things cuter than a puppy proposal.

Get outside
The only thing more beautiful than your relationship is nature. Hike up a mountain and propose at the summit, take a walk on the beach and write it in the sand or simply go somewhere for a picnic and ask your partner while lying in the grass. Mother Nature IS love, and she's always willing to help. Even rain is romantic!

Do something over the top
It's not every day that you ask someone to spend the rest of their life with you, so if you're part of a couple that enjoys glamour, do it up. Take your partner to a five-star restaurant and order champagne, take them to the rooftop of a building and pay for a fireworks show, or surprise them with a helicopter ride to an undisclosed destination. The sky's the limit - literally.
Do something low key
If you're that couple that loves to order Chinese food and watch movies, make that your proposal! There's nothing more romantic than saying, "if we're still eating takeout in this tiny apartment 50 years from now, I'd be the luckiest person in the world." For some, there's no need to make the proposal into a big thing, and an intimate setting can sometimes be perfect.
Turn a sad memory into a happy one
Along with life usually comes loss, but the date that your partner lost a loved one doesn't always have to be sad. I met a woman recently who had lost her mother at the age of 14. The day her mother died came around every year, and every year the anniversary of her death felt unbearable. This woman's partner proposed to her on that date a few years ago, and he told her that he wanted her mother to be a part of their relationship, that he wanted to be able to make her happy, even on the saddest of days. Now this particular proposal is not right for everyone, so gauge whether or not it will feel special to your partner, or if they would prefer to keep certain dates to themselves. If you think it's right though, it could be amazing.

At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter how you ask -- what matters is that you do ask, and that you have someone in your life who you love enough to ask the biggest question there is. Whatever you do, make sure it feels special to both you and your partner, because it's a memory you'll have forever.
With love,