“Journaling is like whispering to one’s self and listening at the same time.” Mina Murray
When you rise in the morning, you are an open receptor to the magic of the universe. You haven't been bothered and burdened with the challenges and thoughts of the day in front of you. This is your moment: to grab pen and paper and take a comfortable seat inside of your self. Write. Write your mind and heart out.
Forget the spelling, orthographic rules and semicolon and just let the pen run wild. You might be surprised by the landscape of your mind that pencils itself like a self-portrait onto the pages of your journal. It may be a load of junk. And that's just fine, because that's the whole point.
A 20-minute daily burst can help you reduce mental stress, become an expert on yourself, work through difficult emotions, solve problems, realise forgiveness and stay accountable for the things you want to do in your life.
“In the journal I am at ease.” Anais Nin
Your journal gets to be the place where you can hold a deliberate, thoughtful conversation with yourself. It means to come into relationship with your mind - sans the sabotage and storytelling. To pour and spill the thought’s gatherings of the night onto a physical place and let them cascade off your being.
To come to bear witness to our own revelations opens opportunity for grace to arrive.
Journaling comes in a myriad of forms. From a simple ‘Dear Diary’ entries that create a picture of how you lived today, yesterday and the day before to guided journaling prompts on specific themes, gratitude journaling or the rather open practice of ‘Morning Pages’ – there is no wrong or write and every approach is worth exploring.
“What a comfort is this journal I tell myself to myself and throw the burden on my book and feel relieved.” Anne Lister
The practice of ‘Morning Pages’ is introduced in the book “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron. It explores that ‘when working with morning pages, we begin to sort through the differences between our real feelings, which are often secrets, and our official feelings, those on record for public display.’
The practice is to wipe the sleep out of your eyes and write three pages into your journal first thing in the morning when you wake up. To leave out the purpose and just bring to paper what wants to move through the pen. See where it takes you. It is a stepping stone in allowing you to get a step explore and express your inner voice. The idea is to allow full permission to be set free.
Another typical thing is to follow the idea of journaling prompts. A different one every day. Or the exploration of one and the same for a certain period of time on a daily base.
Here are a few examples of beautiful journaling prompts to ponder upon:
- What am I grateful for today?
- Who am I without my name or a label?
- What does freedom mean to me?
- What am I bound to?
- I would like the world to be like ...
- What lights me up? What do I burn for?
- I wish others knew about me...
- I feel most energised when...
- What do I need to hear today?
- Who made me feel good this week?
- What was my priority this week?
- If I didn't have anything to fear and worry about, what would I do with my life?
- What is currently inspiring me?
- How does my heart feel today?
- What does creativity mean to me?
- What are three things I love most about my personality?
“Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.” William Wordsworth
On that note – we are super excited to share our own Ananda Soul journal with you. One to call you into owning your truth and who you are.
For the launch of this journal we are starting a sweet little 7 day journaling challenge.
For the next 7 days we will be releasing a daily journaling prompt to support you in journaling about the things in life that you are grateful for. Because to own who you are means to be grateful for life’s offerings, in all its facets and concepts. In its essence - we want to encourage you to make gratitude a part of every day.
Follow us on Instagram at @anandasoulcreations and our Hashtag #ownwhoyouaredaily for further instructions.
“Journaling is paying attention to the inside for the purpose of living well from the inside out.” Lee Wise
When the words travel down from mind, to hand, from ink to page, we participate in a rehearsal of life, the prequel of an awkward conversation, so that the final production portrays the truth of our words. Writing takes courage and we never know where our words may take us.
Our journal gift will be joining any order in our online shop above US$250 and will be available as of April 23rd, 2021.