Oh wow I have landed back from India….not sure though if it’s the same person that has landed back! The last 2.5 weeks of traveling through India have blown my heart, mind, horizon and devotion wide open. The impressions, insides, reflections and colors are deeply engrained in my heart – my sweet heart that has never felt this clear to continue on my path.
My life vision has never felt more loud: I want to live to create beauty. Beauty in the life of others and beauty in my own life…through creating smiles, through supporting families, through empowering women, through making women feel honored, respected, valued and beautiful.
If I would start telling you the endless moments that left me in awe you’d be scrolling through this email for a few days – so let’s leave that for another time Let me tell you about one memory though that deeply carved itself into my heart:
We had arrived to the train station in Kannur to catch the 6:55am train to Cochin. Right when our Rickshaw arrived at the station, a few men popped up to carry our bags, which in our just out of bed sleepiness we were more than grateful to hand over. In order to pay them, we had to get some smaller bills so we bought some water and cashews at the station. When it was time to pay the porters, my friend also gave one of them the little pack of cashews. And what happened then made my heart stop. The way the man’s eyes lit up almost made me cry. He was SO happy. It was a moment of such sweet human connection. Such simplicity.
Pure smiles and no agenda.
So as I am reflecting back on this journey I am asking myself: how can we create more of those kinds of moments? Where we show up in little ways for the stranger in front of us? With a smile. With a small gesture. Showing each other that we care – regardless if we know each other, if we speak the same language, have the same skin color, same passport, same wealth status, same sexual orientation, same religion, the labels are endless…
Above: One of our many rickshaw adventures
With so much love from Bali,