With Valentine’s day just around the corner, the topic of being in love is a bit more in our focus than usual. I personally feel that the deep connection we can have with another being is one of the most precious gifts we get to experience being in this body. And yet it can create the most pain and misery at the same time. So what can we do to be in a great relationship?
A big point to fully embrace is that relationships are not about what you can get out of the connection with somebody – it is about how committed you are to living in a happy and beautiful state. It is YOUR responsibility to be happy. Let others off the hock! Then you can turn your intimate relationship into a place where you go to light someone up – for the sake of sharing your happiness.
I love what Tony Robbins has to say about how to make a relationship work.
What is your big dream?
Sounds magical? Let’s turn our focus this month on how much we can take responsibility for our own happiness. And then we can share that bliss with our loved ones. Are you in?