December felt like a time in-between worlds. As we travelled through major astrological shifts, the holiday season and snow storms, many countries went back into lock downs or enhanced strict regulations.
The old year is approaching its end, and while we know that nothing is going to drastically change and disappear overnight as we transit from December 31st to January 1st, we have the chance for a reset as we let go of what is past and give ourselves permission to create our future.
This time is a potent time to invoke creativity and to conspire for a better future, to consciously dissolve whatever we have been hanging onto from a difficult and dramatic year.
Throughout the past month I have found myself sitting with loved ones sharing our greatest insights on 2020 and the energy we choose to move into 2021 with.
My question to you is: if you were to imaginatively create your personal template for 2021, how would it look like?
The bottom line is – the new year marks a great opportunity to take yourself up on the agency you have to start over. We all acknowledge that whatever is still happening around is, will still impact us on a day to day base - but what if we get to create a clean slate for ourselves? Because eventually, even if it doesn’t look like it right now, this too will pass. And what then? How will you have come out of this?
In and amongst the uphill battles of the past months awaits a big slice of hope and the space to dream up a grand new version of yourself. What if you could just go ahead and dream away - without getting attached to an outcome, a how, what if or when?
Dreams feel big and scary sometimes, but what if for once you just let them be, get to interact with them and revisit them from different angles?
Here are a few journaling prompts to be with these next days:
How are you going to pay homage to everything you encountered in 2020?
Going into 2021 I wish…for myself
In 2021 I am dedicated to moving through my fear of…
In 2021 I am committed to healing/work through…
In 2021 I want to cultivate relationship with work that feels…
In 2021 I will revisit an unfulfilled dream to…
…has been holding me back to fulfil my dream.
What does freedom mean to me?
In 2021 I am going to definitely do….
List the treasures around you in your life that will support you in 2021
A new experience I want to have is…
What do I want more of in 2021?
I can’t fail, so I will…
In 2021 I am committing myself to…
A Balinese blessing ceremony to honour what was and what will be
Earlier this month we had a Balinese blessing ceremony taking place in our office – as a crucial part of our practice, to bless, set and honour the intentions that we put behind every single piece of our jewelry that we create. This ceremony is held by a Balinese priest who fills the designs with prayers of peace and love for the people who will wear them.
As you travel into this brand new year do not forget that amidst of all present uncertainties some mountains are already behind you.
Sending love and best wishes for a happy and healthy 2021 however that may look like for you,
I thank you for this uplifting message and it fills me with hope for the future. You are right i can feel the blessings when I wear the piece of jewellery I bought from you guys. Thank you and may you all be blessed always
I just love your kind words and the gentle and wise perspective you have onto all the things we experience.
Thank you for taking your time to share them with the world.
I hope, that you are able to nurture your dreams more and more and let them grow, so that many beautiful souls out there will be able to carry some of your precious pieces with them for protection, for connection and the feeling of love and trust.
Thank you for stepping up an being you in this most beautiful version!
You are such a gift for this world.