Share your Me & my Ananda story with us here and win a 'The Universe has my back' necklace
Jewelry has long held a unique place in our hearts and across different cultures. Beyond their aesthetic allure, adornments can carry a profound significance that may transcend time and trends – whether that is heirlooms passed down through generations to special messages gifted during special moments in love or tokens of love exchanged in intimate moments. Jewelry is more than just an accessory, it's a tangible expression of our emotions, memories, and aspirations, making it an enduring and cherished part of our personal narratives.
Stories to share with you
Here are some of the beautiful stories that we couldn't withhold from you:
"I received the Artemis necklace a few days before an unexpected separation with my long term partner. I’ve worn this pendant everyday since to remind me, This is my Life!
When I see the image of Artemis reflected back to me in the mirror, it reminds me of the beauty and power found in independence. It inspires me to remember my values and move through life with fierce grace and integrity.
The pink stone resting on my heart has felt like a token of self care. A sweet reminder to check in with my own heart daily. I love all Ananda Soul collections and feel drawn to different signature pieces at different times in life. Today I’m still wearing my Artemis, keeping her strength close to my heart."– Persia Juliet, @misspersiajuliet
" Ananda Soul Creations is more than just jewelry to me; it's a tangible manifestation of love, inspiration, and spiritual connection. Each piece carries a unique story, an essence that resonates with my soul. My latest piece is “The Tales From Within” collection. I feel a profound sense of empowerment when I wear the long gold with Aquamarine gemstone necklace and earrings. The stones truly remind me of my own inner strength and the women that surround me. The 'Tales from Within' collection is a delicate balance of gemstones and metals, a powerful reminder of women who have a deep connection to purpose, and this brings harmony within myself and the world around me. Their intricate designs mirror the complexities of life, teaching me to appreciate the beauty in every detail of what I BELIVE in. The long “True to Myself” necklace is really interesting and enchanting as it falls long on my body I get to hold this next lace in my fingertips as I continue my day's work and is a reminder to embrace my spirituality, cherish the moments of serenity, and celebrate the journey of self-discovery. With every piece, I carry a piece of my soul, a token of my spiritual growth, of storytelling and mostly reminding me of my own truth and purpose."– Cynthia Louise, @chefcynthialouise
"I recently received the "Gentle Devotion" collection and immediately fell in love with it. I especially love the words "walk gently" that are engraved on each of the pieces which remind me to live my life with gentleness and compassion. Admittedly, anger has been one of my weaknesses as I did not really know how to express it in a healthy way. I used to explode with rage whenever I would get triggered and end up feeling so ashamed and guilty afterwards. Thankfully, when I went on the path of spirituality and self-healing, I learned how to handle my emotions better. I realized that the reason why I was angry inside was because I was angry at myself for all of my past mistakes and poor decisions. I was unconsciously holding on to a lot of pain that I needed to release in order for me to heal. I meditated, cried and let it all out so that I could finally let it all go. I held myself gently through this painful process. I had to practice self-compassion so that I could finally learn how to forgive myself. What I learned in all of this is that we cannot offer to others what we cannot give to ourselves first. In order for me to be a kind and gentle human being, I first needed to be kind and gentle with myself."- Maxene Magalona, @maxenemagalona
Which story resonates most with you?
Tell us your personal story or anecdote and win a necklace

And so we would like to hear your personal stories from you:
How has Ananda jewelry influenced your life? What piece did you choose or receive? What is the story and intention behind this choice? What has this piece maybe brought into your life?
Because we are so curious and want to hear more about you and your Ananda, we are giving away a 'The Universe has my back' necklace. To participate please fill out the following form and share your personal Ananda story with us. Every entry participates in a lucky draw to win our 'The Universe has my back' necklace. We will announce the winner via email and social media on October 30th 2023. We are looking forward to reading your story!