Earlier this month we brought a special give away back to life – our Me & My Ananda Give away. Over the course of the past few weeks many of you have submitted stories that touched us deeply. Stories that showed that Ananda Soul is more than just a jewelry brand.
In the last years we were lucky to meet so many of you beautiful humans that experienced special moments with Ananda jewelry. Amongst these shares were stories that continue to resonate and move us in ways we never imagined. Woven into your lives these pieces have become precious memorabilia for unforgettable moments in life, heirlooms of your truest self, tokens of care, support or love – through you we understand: these pieces were more than just simple accessories to you.
This year we wanted to share and know more: we invited you to tell us your personal Ananda story. How did a specific piece of jewelry influence your life? What piece did you choose or receive? What did this piece mean to you? What has a certain piece maybe brought to your life?
And first of all we would like to say THANK YOU. For sharing your stories, your hearts, your intentions, your experience.
We’ve received an overwhelming amount of anecdotes that touched us deeply. Reading through them was like being granted a sneak peek behind the curtains of a human life. It mattered so much. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. It was such an honor to receive.
There is no way we could choose between your beautiful, heartfelt stories - each one of them just shone with so much love, it left us incredibly touched... so the winner has been selected at random.
Kinga wins a pair of our 'True to myself' earrings.
And this is her story:
Ananda Soul jewelry, like a quiet offering from the earth, has gently settled into my life, as if it were always meant to be here. When I chose the Live By The Truth earrings, I felt as though I wasn’t just selecting a piece of jewelry, but rather, I was allowing something sacred and beautiful to choose me. The gold glimmer of these earrings catches the light in a way that feels like a whisper, reminding me of the quiet power of honesty, the clarity that comes from living aligned with my deepest self.
I was drawn to them because truth has always been a north star in my life—something I’ve sought in the natural world, in my relationships, and within my own heart. These earrings carry the weight of that intention, and wearing them feels like a daily ritual, a soft call to stay grounded in what is real and meaningful. There’s a kind of peace that comes when you choose to live in harmony with your truth, and these delicate earrings, resting close to me, seem to carry that message gently into my days.
Since wearing them, I’ve found a greater stillness inside myself—a quiet knowing that I can walk through this world with openness, without pretense, trusting that my truth is enough. They are a reminder to be steady, to be soft, and to let the truth of my being, like the natural world around me, shine in its own simple, beautiful way.
And because there are so many beautiful stories, we have selected five more shares to offer to you – Bini, Trish, Sara, Anett and Theresa all each win a $50 voucher.
I purchased the 'Here to Be' earrings as a gift for myself for christmas of 2021. The back of the earrings say 'Be the witch you came here to be' and I initially received this as a reminder to 'be yourself and share your presence with the world'. Over time, I have developed a deep affinity with these earrings, every morning I place them on my alter as a chant and pray, infusing them with Her essence. I have, since day 1, received compliments on my earrings, but after getting really witchy with them and owning the intention, I get above average compliments on my earrings, so much so that people stop me in the street to say 'Excuse me, I just have to comment on how stunning your earrings are.' I feel really good to share with them where they are from, knowing the ethics behind Ananda Soul.After a heart break last year, I took some space from my witchy practice, and funnily people stopped commenting on my earrings. It wasnt untill I reconnected to who I am and why I am here, that the compliments came back. Grateful to share this story with you and confident it is the whole intention from creation to fulfillment that enables beauty to shine through these items. Thank you x
My first purchase from Ananda Soul which were the “Hold me with Care” necklace and “One day at a Time” ring are my favorite pieces. From the two pieces, I am more drawn to the one day at a time ring because of all the hardships and trauma i went through as a child. At an early age, i experienced mental, physical, sexual, and emotional abuse by my own father. Last 2016, i attempted to commit suicide which led me to be confined in the hospital for 2 weeks. Fast forward to 2024, i am now married and still experiencing the trauma that was left. The one day at a time ring is very close to my heart as it has helped me with anxiety and depression. My journey is still a long one, but i need to remind myself to take it one day at a time. I wear this ring everyday as a reminder to myself to be gentle and not worry about what’s next. Thank you, Ananda Soul, for creating pieces that inspires and motivates people like me.
I purchase the Dare to Shine Angle Mala.
God has been working miracles and had been and am still going through some resistance. I came across the Dare To Shine Bright mala necklace and had a sense that my grandpa was leading me to it bc he loved angles and always saw me a blessing and light. I wear it for many reasons; 1- It’s a beautiful piece of Jewlery with the craftsmanship. 2- Archangel Gabriel is one of my favorite angles. 3- When I come up against opposition it reminds me to shine bright. Shine truth and light on the things covered and hidden, with love. I lived this piece so much I bought a necklace for my friend that has powerful love.
Thank you all for taking the time to make beautiful pieces. I will be getting more.
Hello Ananda Soul :) my life journey began about 3 or 4 years ago. One woman from the Czech Republic, where I live, wrote about your jewelry on Instagram and I felt something - I felt that the jewels are different. I felt the vibration.
Last year me and my family came to Bali, So I finaly could visit your shop, It was in Uluwatu. And I really liked the vibe, design and women who worked there. I was there for a long time … and I was enjoying the place… where every jewel has a space for it uniqueness. For It brightness and message. Also there was QR code where I found out in what stage of moon cycle I was born. And I found out that affirmation connected with that is I am enough… and I felt like home. Calm..seen and I knew that I want to wear this feeling through necklace from you called Inner knowing.
At the end of our stay in Bali I won the full moon giveaway and I was really happy, that I may have this jewelry. For me It was really a gift, miracle. It was very important for me, because the stay in Bali was also beautiful but also sometimes really hard. And this gift was for me like a sign from the Universe, that everything is okay. And I am on the good path. We (family) all are.
When we came back home, to the Czech Republic, I wore the necklace every day. It was really reminding me the knowing that I am enough every moment - in good or bad, in every mood, shortly every time. And also the necklace is beautiful So I felt beautiful and whole.
Once we went for a walk and my daughter wanted to wear It, So I lent her the necklace. When we came back I found out that the necklace is lost. I felt like something on and in me is missing. It was like I lost something inside of me.
I was kind of sad when I looked in the mirror and something was missing on my chest.
Few months later I had a birthday and my husband gave me a new necklace Inner knowing. I did not expect It, So It was for me a really big surprise. I was crying that I am again the whole. And my husband gave me something very personal 🙏🏻.
It has been a year since I found out that the first necklace is gone. So this sharing reminds me gratitude and beauty and happiness for the one I have from my man 🤎. And for both I had.
From that time I bought earrings called I break free. I bought them because for last 5 years I wanted to buy moon earrings. They are for me symbol of moon, moon cycles, woman cycles, nature cycles… the birth, living and the death. Begging and end. I feel with them that the moon is always within me. It helps me to be stable in unstable times and reminds me I am on the right path. The earrings are beautiful with really nice intention inside from you also.
At the end of this sharing I want tell you that I really like your story and the way you create jewelry with intentions and also from my favourite place - Bali.
With love
Anett Agoria 🙌🏻.
I just purchased the Yes to Life necklace and the Own Who You Are bracelet. I have bought other pieces, but these two have special significance to me. As a mental health nurse, I believe that I am a revolutionary agent of change. We reach into the darkness to bring people who have lost their way, back into the light of hope. I need Ganesha's strength every day, and this is a powerful reminder of my purpose. The second piece I chose is for me. I was recently diagnosed with autism, after many years of struggling and wondering what was wrong with me. This is the first time that I have had the words for so many things that I have struggled with my whole life. Knowing this has helped me understand and accept myself for who I am. I am so proud of all that I have overcome, in spite of feeling like an outsider for most of my life. It is a reminder that it is OK to be just who I am. I am the only me. It is a reminder to remain authentic to who I am deep in my soul. I often write reminders to ground myself. This jewelry accomplishes that message in such a lovely way. I can rarely find jewelry that I will wear every day like this. I love the deeper meaning behind each piece. They are stunning creations with a special magic for me. I love every piece that I have bought. The one that holds special meaning to me though is yes to life. I am trying to remember to say yes to life every day, to engage with the world and remember the precious gift of this life. It is my own yes that sets the tone for each and every interaction. There is nothing more important that I could be doing. It is an honor in life to be trusted to help people who are hurting. Many of them have suffered greatly. I am there to be of service. This jewelry helps me to remember the important things in life.thanks much for making my life just a little brighter!
Congratulations to all our beautiful winners! You inspire us to continue to weave art and intention into creation!