Source: Sri Lanka, ethically cut in Jaipur, India
Chakra: 1st Base Chakra and 4th Heart Chakra
Birthstone: January
Zodiac: Aquarius
Typical colors: Pink / deep red
Properties: productivity, warmth, trust, sexuality,
Rhodolite increases productivity and prosperity as well as intuition and inspiration. It balances the 1st Base chakra and aids healthy sexuality. Rhodolite is also balancing for the heart chakra, opening the heart to give and receive love, increasing compassion for oneself and for others. This beautiful pink stone increases self-confidence and trust in ones abilities, inviting us to share own our gifts and share them with others. Rhodolite increases love, compassion and kindness. It is a great stone to help us stay on our path in a grounded way and connected to our heart.
Rhodolite is healing in cases of sexual abuse and shame regarding sexuality. It encourages healthy sexuality, strengthens the metabolism and helps in treatment of heart and lung problems. Rhodolite lifts the mood and encourages self-worth.