Your complete new moon profile
– My Dreams carry Magic –
The New Moon phase is when the moon lines up perfectly between the earth and the sun, with the moon’s shadow-side facing the earth. During this phase, the world turns dark and we are invited to turn our gaze inwards. It is a time to rest and digest, to deconstruct and to wilt, to go into darkness, into a state of meditation. This moon phase marks the start of a new lunar cycle and symbolizes a time of new beginnings and initiations for the upcoming month.
Being born on a New Moon is a magical and profound experience. Although the moon is invisible and the energy weak at this time, its influences are strong and meaningful. New Moon children are born on or within 3 ½ days around the exact time of the New Moon.
Magnetic and shining with personality you are adventurous, enthusiastic and highly creative.
Gifted at seeing potential, you are a very intuitive and observant human, New Moon child. Because you were born when the world was cloaked in darkness, you have come to learn how to listen to yourself. Your intuitive skills are the ones that serve as your guide as opposed to cognitive reasoning.
Your response to life is based on your instincts, as they were one of the only assets to rely on the day you arrived on Earth and the lights in the sky were off. With your internal guide in place, you are able to navigate this world without a map and you truly manage the art of living in the moment.
Your greatest need is to live from a space of spontaneity. Your talent is to plunge heart-first into new experiences as you celebrate the freedom for exploration. You love to act on impulses and to meet the challenge of the moment.
People tend to be drawn to you, although you do not enjoy stepping into the spotlight. This is because others feel your power and potential that you carry deep within.
To meticulously plan ahead is not your favorite modus operandi and you may stumble upon obstacles by trying to do so.
You navigated, maybe stumbled your way into this world in the dark. But you managed. Now, one of your key tasks is to take your time to feel into what you want and what truly matters to you. Your lesson in this life is to learn more about who you truly are and how to project yourself into humanity.
You are meant to leave a mark in this lifetime and you have a deep inner knowing of your higher purpose. One of your lessons is to find a path that is not driven by ego but takes the shape of purpose, meaning, and a goal that is more far reaching than the personal ego.
You are here to embrace new experiences and this often shows in boundless enthusiasm for the abundance of ideas you carry within you. You have a strong burst of motivation and energy and the potential of creation excites you, as every creation marks a new beginning.
Being born on the initiation of a new cycle, new beginnings come somewhat naturally to you and you always choose those over endings, oftentimes missing the point that an ending is required, too, for a new beginning to come to fruition.
This means, while you’re good at enthusiastically going after what you want, you tend to have trouble sustaining the energy required to finish a project and are easily distracted by newer and shinier ideas. At this point you may need to seek support to follow-through.
If you are born during the new moon phase, this is your power day and it’s a potent day in the lunar month to initiate new projects, to work with ritual and ceremony, to let things go and to take some sacred time out for you. If you pay attention, you may notice that it is around this time that you feel more energized as this is in harmony with the day you arrived on Earth!
The New Moon is a time for new beginnings and formulating intentions for the month ahead. It is the start of a brand new lunar cycle, and as the world is covered in darkness it serves up a wonderful opportunity for reflection and introspection. The energy is generally low during this phase, so get plenty of rest and give yourself space to connect with your truth. Set aside time for meditating or journaling or head into nature for inspiration and connection.
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