With peace in my heart, love can flow – a free phone wallpaper gift for you

Posted by Christina Zipperlen on

At the moment, the word ‘peace’ echoes wherever we turn our heads and hearts to in this world. It is a longing, a deep desire that runs like the wind through all corners of our planet. It’s a call, a scream of urgency and acuteness, a call for survival.

Peace is beautiful. It is a choice that stems from a place within that once touched base with makes grudges, maleficent thoughts and pressing needs for hateful or revengeful actions evaporate in thin air. It needs to be cultivated. Nurtured like a young plant. Its seeds harvested and offered to our hearts and temples as an offering to then be spread and planted into the world, so it may replicated itself in the hopes of becoming contagious. In a good way.

With peace in my heart, love can flow.

Ananda Soul free wallpaper

Repeat this to yourself. Over and over again.

And to help you with it – here is a beautifully designed wallpaper as a free gift. Downloadable onto your phone or computer.

‘With peace in my heart, love can flow.’

If this artwork resonates – we invite you to explore our moon journal. There is more of it in there and it is a beautiful supportive guide to come closer to yourself. And others.


We are sending you love. And peace to all hearts.

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