Live Your Truth – A powerful collection has landed in our earthly realm

Posted by Christina Zipperlen on

This collection shares ancient tales of feminine power, source, devotion and earth connection. She is born in a time where the world’s constant uproar seeks anchors that support our tethering into Earthen magic and instinctive treasures that have been passed on from generation to generation.

We have come to understand that darkness creates depth. That quiet interludes lead to triumphs that blaze even brighter. And that all is held when we get to attune to Mother Earth’s ancient whispers and supporters.

This collection is carried by the energy of strong witnesses beyond time and space. 

With acknowledgment of the origin traditions these characters emerge from we are deeply inspired by the energy and intention they carry rather than the manifestation of belief systems or religion.

May you be blessed and know that you are always guided and protected.

 Meet our beautiful gems and the intentions behind each one of them:


‘I will hold you through it all’ – as it is engraved on the back of this pendant – is an invocation of the all-encompassing mother energy of unconditional love as we navigate challenging times.

Receive the energy of Mary Magdalene through these pieces as a reassurance that there is a presence beyond the seen world that holds you through all of our human experience. And in that knowing, may you realize that within you lies a power that enables you to hold yourself and others.

Mary Magdalene  – a woman highly misunderstood throughout the ages, with misconstrued reinventions from prostitute to mystic to celibate nun to feminist icon to the matriarch of divinity – speaks to the soul that recognizes love and wisdom, and the need for embodiment as a way to cut through the divide and dread instilled by outdated systems and beliefs. She offers remembrance that the world will only change as we change and that we are seen and held in every act of love. She reflects the re-emergence of the Divine Feminine on Earth as key to guiding humanity through challenge and upheaval.

Mary Magdalene speaks to the truth of living from the heart, even if it means to defy that which is presumed conventional. She emanates love to heal ourselves, humanity, our planet, and earth’s creatures.

We acknowledge Mary Magdalene as a key figure of Christianity. Please note that we are working with the intention and energy of this symbol rather than promoting or following a specific religious belief.



This range carries the frequency of physical, mental, and spiritual healing and wholeness. The angel depicted in these beautiful creations is the essence of Archangel Raphael, the angel of universal healing. The words ‘I live by the truth of my soul’ are written on the back of the coin-shaped charms. When we are connected to the whispers of our hearts and the deepest truth of our soul, wholeness, and healing is possible. 

Archangel Raphael is known to be the angel of healing. His energy is filled with compassion as he sets out to heal people's minds, spirits, and bodies and bring souls back into alignment. It is the stress of misalignment of our souls that creates dis-ease in the first place and it is Archangel Raphael we can evoke to aid in re-alignment. Wear these pieces if you are calling in strengthening in your own journey of healing. He is the guide through any form of healing, of becoming whole, and he is tasked to be the one who walks you through what is needed to come back to the deepest truth of your soul.

As individuals, we are all a part of a greater cosmic, collective body, a cell in the body of the whole. This is a reminder that we can come into alignment with our soul’s truth at any moment, that in source, we are always whole. 

We acknowledge Archangel Raphael as a key figure of Judaism and Christianity. Please note that we are working with the intention and energy of this symbol rather than promoting or following a specific religious belief.



‘I honor this body, I cherish this earth’ are the words engraved on the back of this intricate and beautifully crafted pendant that depicts Archangel Ariel. Archangel Ariel is known as the angel of nature and protector of the earth. Some interpretations even say Ariel is the liaison between the human and the world of spirits, fairies, crystals, and other manifestations of magic. The energy of Ariel inspires us to take sustainable action towards taking care of our planet, its inhabitants, and ourselves. 

Wear these pieces if you seek to forge a stronger connection with the natural and elemental world, to deepen your relationship to animals and natural elements like wind, water, and plants.

If you find yourself in need of a heartfelt connection with Mother Earth or a deeper connection to your own body, give yourself to the warming and rose-colored energy of Ariel.

We acknowledge Archangel Ariel as a key figure of Judaism and Christianity. Please note that we are working with the intention and energy of this symbol rather than promoting or following a specific religious belief.


Our 'Here To Be' range carries the ancient tale of female power, source, and sovereignty. This pendant carries the engraving ‘Be the witch you came here to be’ and has been created with the intention for each woman to come to recognize her true feminine essence that lies dormant within. 

May this special piece invoke recognition of who you came here to be: that you are a daughter of the witches they couldn't burn, the bearer of the wisdom of a mysterious force that breathes life into all. Be the witch you came here to be, not the woman society has told you to.

Carry the symbol of the evil eye as the guardian and protector of a force that rests deep in your being, ready for you to be summoned to change this world for a better, more loving, more nurturing place.

Embedded in this piece is the knowing that the feminine energy creates something out of seemingly nothing - from the dark, fertile places of the earth, where we place our hands to plant the seeds to grow. She is intuitive wisdom passed on through generations of women before her. She is the uncontrollable one, relentless in her pursuit of sharing her healing gift with the world. Despite her mystical name ‘witch’, she is nothing less than love. This piece has been designed to break with the taboo and stigma of being a witch when in reality all that she is is love. 



Our Blessings all around Mala is a creation that manifests as the energy it stands for: wherever you wander this Earth open your senses to receive what is in front of you, because blessings and richness can be found in every corner of life – from the obvious one that is flooded in light to the smallest nook enveloped into the shadows of our world. 

The pendant depicts the Hindu Goddess Lakshmi embellished with a Pink Tourmaline. By calling her energy into your life you invite every form of blessing into it, too: good fortune, fertility, health, prosperity, and beauty. 

Lakshmi gives the gifts of worldly abundance, wealth, food, spiritual luster, and radiance in all its forms. She is known for her capacity to invite both worldly enjoyment and spiritual freedom into co-existence. She is the energy to be invoked for peace and prosperity, sweetness and harmony. Lakshmi’s true face is found in the abundance of the natural world. Her power nourishes life on earth, her allure is her ferocious, unconditional, never-ending generosity, her righteousness and loving care for all creatures, as a steward for cultivating our Earth. 

We honor Lakshmi as a deity of the Hindu religion and philosophy. Please note that we are working with the intention of this symbol rather than promoting or following a specific religious belief.


The intention behind these special pieces is as simple and straightforward as its name: it is a beam of light to lighten up your life right this moment in time.

This design has been brought to life to remind you that you are the light of your soul. The shape of the pieces reminds of a gate, a portal through which the light emanates. The center piece of every item is a Crystal Quartz, the biggest we ever had in a design. Crystal quartz is considered the ‘master healer’ of the crystal kingdom. It will amplify whatever energy or thought is programmed into it, as well as intensify the effect of other crystals.

Our world has been wandering through a time of genuine darkness. What the world needs is more people that shine their light and lightness that inherently sits within us all. 

Take this as a reminder that you carry within all that you need – hope and light.


See the entire collection in our online shop.


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