Moonly Give Away – Find out your moon phase and win jewelry worth $150

Posted by Christina Zipperlen on

A life lived under the spell of the moon is a life dedicated to magic and wonder.

We think everybody should know the moon phase they are born under.

Why? Because the moon, believe it or not, has a huge influence on our lives, our mind, mood and intuition and can even indicate predominant life themes.

A new give away

In order to support you in your personal moon journey we are introducing a monthly give away. Our moon calculator has been designed for you to find out under which phase of the moon you have been born. You will learn more about your moon phase, how this phase of the moon may impact your life, emotions, perspectives and challenges and you will be blessed with a beautiful affirmation that lets your soul sing.

Every month we are giving away an Ananda Soul Gift card of $150 redeemable in our onlineshop.

How to participate

  1. Enter your birthday in our Moon Phase Calculator to discover your moon phase. 
  2. Submit your email on the results page to receive your personal Affirmation and screen saver   
  3. Share your personal Affirmation as a post or story on Facebook/Instagram and tag @AnandaSoulCreations

You can enter every month by creating a new story and tagging us!.

The winner will be picked every Full Moon via lucky draw and will be informed via social media and email.

Why we are doing this

I grew up in Southern Germany and because of that I was surrounded with age-old knowledge and traditions around the power and magic of the Moon. From herb witches to natural practitioners, from farmers to spiritual leaders, my own Mother would introduce me to the magic of Moon energy, even cutting mine and my siblings’ hair only according to the Moon calendar. This knowledge is found in old pagan traditions that many cultures around the world follow with their own rituals and ways.

Life in Bali has a very different, but similar colouring when it comes to intentional living by the cycles of the moon. The presence of the Moon is visible in the everyday life of every Balinese person. Life on this island circles around the phases of the Moon, finding its amplification in particular ceremonies around the New Moon and the Full Moon.

The cycles of the moon

Every 29.5 days, the Moon wanders through eight different phases changing its beautiful face in the light of the sun. It is a constant metamorphosis that allows us to bear witness to the ever changing transformation life offers us in every moment without losing a single drop of its mesmerizing power and beauty.

Do you know under which phase of the moon you have been born under? If yes, do you know what your moon phase stands for and what opportunities and potential challenges might come with it?

It is a deeply touching, humbling experience that keeps on reminding me of the inherent intelligence and interconnectivity of life, humanity and the universe – something so much bigger than what we are. It’s there to call upon whenever times get rough. Phases bring in a slowing down, an awareness that everything waxes and wanes, that there are highs and lows in life, times to be outward, to create and celebrate and times to go inward to rest, to restore and replenish at the same time.

We wish you all good luck and cannot wait to see the beautiful results and affirmations you will be sharing!

With so much love,

Christina and the Ananda Soul Team

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